Disability Rights and Accommodations

Disability Rights and Accommodations

Termechi Employment Law Fights to Protect the Rights of Workers with Disabilities

When it comes to workers with disabilities, employers have two basic legal obligations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA). First, discrimination because of a physical or mental disability, or a medical condition, is illegal.  Employers cannot demote, terminate, fail to promote or otherwise treat employees differently because of a disability. Second, employers have a duty to engage in a timely, good faith interactive process to determine the reasonable workplace accommodations available to accommodate a disability that allows an employee to perform his or her job duties.

At Termechi Employment Law , we are committed to fighting for the rights of employees with disabilities. Our employment law attorneys are fluent in the language of the FEHA and ADA and other laws and regulations that govern the ways in which individuals with disabilities should be accommodated and treated in the workplace. We can help you get what you deserve — and what you’re entitled to — under the law.

Workplace Accommodations

Employees are entitled to reasonable accommodations from their employers that allow them to perform their job duties, notwithstanding any disability. Employers that have knowledge of an employee’s disability have a duty to engage in a timely, good faith “interactive process” with an employee to determine what reasonable accommodations are available that will allow an employee to perform his or her job duties.

Examples of reasonable accommodations include granting the employee an adjusted work schedule, making reasonable changes to job duties, providing appropriate technology or equipment that would help the employee complete his or her essential tasks, allowing for a finite leave of absence to help that individual recover from a medical condition, and more.

Why Choose Termechi Employment Law ?

  • Absolutely no out out-of-pocket fees. We strive to make legal representation available to all workers in California by offering it on a contingency fee basis.
  • We have successfully litigated numerous multimillion-dollar lawsuits. We have genuine case results.
  • The Los Angeles employment attorneys at Termechi Employment Law have years of experience specializing in labor and employment law.
  • We are not a “mill” law firm: Unlike what you may find at larger mill firms, you will speak directly with Mr. Termechi, the lawyer in charge of your case.

Call our Beverly Hills Disability Rights and Accommodations Lawyers for a Free Consultation.

We can help you evaluate your options and advise you on how to pursue the maximum possible relief. Contact our office in Los Angeles at (310) 974-3324 or send us an email to speak with one of our experienced Los Angeles disability rights and disability accommodation lawyers.

You have rights as a worker, and we will uphold them.  There is no risk to meet with us.  We get paid only if we win your claim.


Call (310) 974-3324 or fill out this form and someone from our team will get back to you within 24 hours